I admit it, I am a podcast junky. I will be the first one to tell you that the majority of my conversations start with, “I was listening to this podcast about…”. I listen to podcasts about world events, podcasts in Spanish, podcasts about history, even my kids like podcasts (WOW in the World is their fave). My daily walks around the neighborhood just wouldn’t be the same without my headphones and a great podcast lineup.
My absolute favorites are the shows that really get my creative juices flowing, the ones that get me pumped to paint, give me the push to tackle that next item on my business-building checklist, or give me a much needed dose of inspiration during a certain pandemic that shall remain nameless.
Here are a few of my faves for the creative in all of us, pin this image to save this post for later!
What’s to love: Laura is so chill, she is the laid back lady I aspire to be and an amazing creative entrepreneur. She and her husband Richie record this super informative and inspirational podcast at their studio in Australia. Their delivery is so smooth and calm, and the content is superb. They have tips for emerging artists as well as seasoned business owners, they interview other makers from around the world and they are relationship goals. They have done more than 100 episodes and I am still not tired of Laura’s laugh. Laura’s Website
Joyce and Dianuh are my best friends and they don’t even know it. I listened to all 100 episodes in a row at the beginning of the pandemic, they are that good. Both women own successful creative businesses and have learned to pivot as their goals change. They share the nitty gritty of what has worked for them and maybe more importantly, what hasn’t. They nerd out on numbers and processes and I love that about them! Joyce’s Website, Dianuh’s Website
This one is a classic. Louise Fletcher and Alice Sheridan are working artists and educators that share openly and graciously. They are no nonsense, down to earth and offer really practical tips with their oh-so-British humility. Each week they give you a run down of what they are working on in their own studios and then dive into a bigger topic. Episode 97, Do We Have To Like You To Like Your Art?, is one of my favorites. “Does the fact that Carvaggio murdered at least one person mean that we can’t appreciate his art?” Deep stuff! Alice’s Website, Louise’s Website
Emily Jeffords is the reason that I was able to shift my mindset from “artists live a life of poverty and heartache” to “the world NEEDS you to share your gifts”. I have been following Emily for years and her story is pretty remarkable; she went from selling her paintings on Etsy for $1 to having a brand that brings in 7+ figures through teaching, licensing, collaborations and of course, her fine art. She is not only an amazing artist but she is also a savvy business woman and effective educator. Her podcast is a little taste of what you can find inside her course, Making Art Work which I was lucky enough to take in 2020. Emily gives you the confidence and the tools you need to set goals and become the artist the word needs you to be, I highly recommend giving this one a listen. Emily’s Website
Want to hear how some of the worlds most successful brands got their start? This is the one. My favorite episodes include Jake Carpenter of Burton, Joe Gebbia of Airbnb and of course Sarah Blakely of Spanx. They deep dive into the set backs, the strokes of luck and all of the pivots that have gotten these businesses to where they are today. There is a sister series called Resilience that is all about how businesses have had to adjust during the pandemic which is also worth a listen. This isn’t art specific, but is a great one for anybody that is interested in business and innovation.