I just returned from a whirlwind trip to Massachusetts where I hit Cape Cod, Boston and Brimfield in less than 48 hours… I had a lot of biz to take care of!
Directly from the airport we headed out to the Cape to get the house ready for summer and the renters who will be there this weekend. My brother and his wife have made the Hyannis Port house into a home for our family and it is truly the most relaxing and fun place to visit. My limited contributions to its beauty include setting up a drip line and planting the window boxes as well as donating a bunch of art that I love to visit when we are there.
Valley Green greets you at the door, that little red-orange piece will always remind me of my dad. The month before he died I had my first in-person showing of my art at the Wayne Art Center and it was awarded a prize. I had debated adding that little unexpected pop of color and my dad told me to go for it. The judges actually said that it made the piece! Thanks dad ❤️
Many of the treasures at the Cape house came from my brother’s previous trips to Brimfield, you just never know what you might find to fill in that space on the second shelf!
We drove back to Boston and woke up early to head to Brimfield for the Antique and Flea Market extravaganza. I had no plan going in and I kept worrying that was a mistake, there is so much to see and so many things to snatch up that if you don’t have a clear course of action you can get easily side tracked (this place is an ADD nightmare/dream). I ended up regretting not buying more. Like these cool knives that would have made awesome gifts for my kids and nephew who love to fish.
Geodes and crystals I regret not buying. To be fair I was getting a contact high from being in this tent full of people partaking in the legal marijauna of Massachusetts and had to escape before I got too stoned to thrift!
Seeing this banner was an amazing surprise! My mom is from Petoskey, MI and after posting this pic to the family thread, the cousins, aunts and uncles demanded we return to purchase it. We happily obliged.
I call this “The Armoir of Regrets”. My brother did pick up one of those cool globes though.
Chloe had the time of her life riding in the cart (begrudgingly), eating an array of festival food off the ground and meeting Newfoundland friends!
It was a fantastic first time to Brimfield and now that I know what to expect I will be quicker to purchase next time. I did come back with a lot of awesome treasures that I will share soon! Until then, check out the Brimfield website for more info on the upcoming dates!